PHONE: 410-295-3000

Civil Litigation

Annapolis Civil Litigation Lawyers

Oliveri & Larsen has a highly skilled team of Annapolis civil litigation lawyers who handle a variety of complex practice areas, including real estate litigation, business law, and HOA/condominium law. These areas of law can be complicated, and our mission is to meet your needs while offering the highest quality of personalized service and trustworthy legal representation that you will gladly depend upon now and in the future.

Our clients appreciate our personal approach that guides every one of these trusted relationships. Taking the time to listen to their concerns and encouraging open communication and feedback allows our legal team to form strong bonds that foster long-term relationships. We devise and implement customized, strategic plans to meet our clients’ needs. In essence, we are proactive and dedicated to providing legal assistance based upon our in-depth knowledge of the law.

Real Estate Law

Oliveri & Larsen is proud to represent clients in every aspect of real estate litigation, with the initial goal of helping them understand the entire process. We concentrate on preventing long delays and unnecessary expenses since problems can pop up at any time during one of these deals.

We work with real estate developers, builders, buyers, sellers, landlords, tenants, and homeowners. Our experienced legal team has the talent, ability, and motivation to manage whatever problem you may encounter and are happy to deal with the “red tape.”

Much of real estate litigation involves obstacles like financing problems, appraisals, closing dates, zoning issues, and compliance with local government rules. We understand the ins and outs of building codes and other laws and work with these agencies to speed up processes.

With commercial properties, matters can get even more complex, so we work to ensure that all parties are clear about government and environmental regulations, zoning issues, and more. We complete the due diligence needed to protect your investments and interests.

Business Law

Oliveri & Larsen strives to develop solid relationships with our trusted clients. We provide experienced legal advice right at the beginning of the startup stage, and we effectively guide businesses through their evolution to successful fruition.

Strategic business planning focuses on foresight analysis, thoughtful legal frameworks, and continuing mentorships. Our team administers current legal needs while thinking ahead to prepare for strategies and safeguards to ensure ongoing success.

When it comes to business law, problem prevention is key, and our skilled lawyers consider all of the financial, organizational, reputational, marketing, employment, and of course, legal angles. Should an internal or external dispute of any kind occur, we will step up to the plate to help you resolve it through comprehensive negotiation, mediation, or litigation.

HOA/Condominium Law

Almost one out of every four Americans live in a community that has a HOA, condo association, or a private community that has another type of governing organization. With HOAs, each member owns an individual property and lot, but common areas are actually owned by the HOA. This means that there is no joint ownership interest in those common areas. With a condo association, every member owns an individual unit and has joint ownership interest in common areas.

It is easy to see how disputes can arise with HOA/condo organizations. At Oliveri & Larsen, our legal team represents small, mid- and large-sized associations. We help with budget preparation, special assessments, and administering financial responsibilities. This includes collecting debts, like delinquent payments through foreclosures, liens, bankruptcy proceedings, and lawsuits.

Creating a solid foundation is the first step of building a well-performing HOA/condo association, and we assist with the formation process and expansions, like land conversions, mergers, and annexations. Oliveri & Larsen can guide your group with community meetings, and create, amend, and interpret governing documents, such as bylaws and rules.

If you need to choose the right kind of insurance and later address insurance claims, we will be your liaison between your association and the provider.

When problems arise, our talented lawyers will be on your side. We defend HOA and condo associations against allegations and enforce bylaws, rules, and covenants, taking offenders to court if necessary.

Our lawyers also help clients work out issues that involve homeowners, board members, neighboring individuals and communities, and employees. We can also lend a hand with negotiating, reviewing, and enforcing vendor contracts. This could include property managers, landscapers, security, pool management, waste management, and building contractors.

Annapolis Civil Litigation Lawyers at Oliveri & Larsen Offer Skilled, Trustworthy Real Estate, Business, and HOA/Condo Association Legal Services

Our experienced Annapolis civil litigation lawyers at Oliveri & Larsen handle complex practice areas, and we can help you with your real estate, business, or HOA/condo legal issue. To learn more and to schedule an initial consultation, contact us online or call us at 401-295-3000. We serve clients throughout Annapolis, Ocean City, Anne Arundel County, Baltimore County, Baltimore City, Calvert County, Harford County, Howard County, Kent County, Queen Anne’s County, St. Mary’s County, Worcester County, and the upper and lower Eastern Shores of Maryland.

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Call Us: 410-295-3000

We are determined to provide expert legal counsel as well as the highest level of service and attention to each client. Our clients are our barometers of success as a team and law firm.