Family Law
Assisting Marylanders With a Variety of Family Law Issues
The notions of divorce, custody, child support, and the accompanying legal proceedings can seem daunting to those unfamiliar with the legal system. Indeed, many parties enter a courtroom for the first time as part of their domestic proceedings. While many parties attempt to represent themselves to save money and quickly resolve disputes, they inadvertently lengthen and complicate the process. Often, simple and practical legal advice can help avoid pitfalls and future complications. Not all family law cases need to become long, drawn-out emotionally and financially exhausting court battles.
At Oliveri & Larsen, our legal team has extensive experience with a variety of family law matters including but not limited to:
Alimony is intended to address the parties’ financial disparities and help a financially dependent spouse become self-supporting. We will fight to ensure your spousal support is fair and just under the law.
Child Custody and Child Support
Child custody and support are perhaps the most heavily litigated, emotionally intensive, and divisive issues in family law. Our team is here to protect your rights and guide you through this difficult process.
A member of our legal team can explain the divorce process under Maryland law and the options that are available to you.
Domestic Violence
Domestic violence proceedings, otherwise known as protective orders, can have a major impact upon a family dynamic and your daily life. Let us help you navigate the legal system during this difficult time.
Estate Planning
Whether part of your divorce proceedings or to safeguard your future, drafting a simple will or trust will ensure that your wishes are carried out and that the appropriate members of your family are taken care of.
Fathers’ Rights
Fathers have the same legal rights as their spouses regarding domestic issues including divorce, alimony, child custody and support. We are staunch advocates for fathers’ rights and will fight on your behalf.
Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements
The concept of entering into a prenuptial agreement (prenup) and postnuptial agreement can seem daunting, but carries important legal protections. Let our team craft a solution that works for you and your circumstances.
Annapolis Family Law Lawyers at Oliveri & Larsen are Your Trusted Source for Family Law Matters
If you have a dispute you are unable to resolve, our Annapolis Family Law Attorneys at Oliveri & Larsen can help you resolve the matter. Call 410-295-3000 or contact us online today to schedule your initial appointment. Strategically located in Annapolis, Maryland, we serve clients throughout Maryland, including Anne Arundel County, Baltimore County, Baltimore City, Calvert County, Harford County, Howard County, Ocean City, Queen Anne’s County, St. Mary’s County, Worcester County, and the upper and lower Eastern Shores of Maryland.